Code of business conduct

Committed to a culture of care and responsibility.

Everything we do reflects our brands, and our code shows us the way.

We pledge to act ethically in all parts of our business, upholding the highest levels of honesty and integrity. Our code of business conduct is based on our company’s core principles and establishes the minimal standards for employee behavior and activities on behalf of the company and its customers.

How we conduct our business

We are Demonstrating Accountability, Respecting others and Protecting our most important resources.

  1. We protect information: We are security-conscious and devoted to safeguarding all personal data and private information in accordance with applicable privacy laws and industry standards
  2. We obey international and national laws, industry rules, and client codes of behavior all over the world.
  3. We are responsible with gifts and hospitality: while giving or receiving gifts or hospitality, we use sound judgment and moderation.
  4. We help to keep the workplace safe and healthy by incorporating sound safety and health practices into our operations and adhering to workplace safety legislation
  5. We safeguard our brands and assets: we safeguard and respect the commercial worth of our brands, assets, and all of the work and ideas we create for our clients.
  6. We support human rights: In our interactions with our employees, suppliers, and business partners, we try to respect and promote human rights. We want to prevent, recognize, and redress harmful impacts on human rights, particularly those related to human trafficking and children’s rights.
  7. We promote a culture of diversity, fairness, and inclusion: we are dedicated to creating an atmosphere that is respectful, equitable, and inclusive for all. We value individuality in order to foster a sense of belonging.
  8. We work ethically: bribes and corruption are not tolerated. We encourage and support international and local initiatives to combat corruption and money laundering.
  9. We make smart decisions by constantly operating in the best interests of the group and ignoring any personal preference or gain.
  10. We compete fairly: with our clients and suppliers in an open and transparent manner. We conduct ourselves in a commercially responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
  11. We treat our colleagues, clients, and partners with dignity, respect, and civility, and we do not accept harassment or discrimination. If we sense anything isn’t quite right, we speak out.
  12. We are responsible in our sourcing process: we select suppliers and business partners who share our values and ideals.
  13. We look after the environment by conducting business in a way that conserves natural resources, manages waste, protects and restores the natural environment, and increases efficiency.

While this code provides a lot of information, it can’t cover every case we’re likely to run against. As a result, this code does not take the place of our obligation and accountability to use sound judgment and ethical behavior.

If you’re unsure whether you’ve broken our policy or what the best course of action is in a given scenario, contact our Ethics Committee.

We encourage you to inform a manager in our organization if you observe or believe you know of something that is not in line with our principles or ethical code and that could have a negative impact on our organization or a person’s life or health. If you believe you can’t be completely open and you have any anonimous trust issues, you can be anonimous by sending an envelope with a printed and unsigned message.

The GM and Executive Committee approved this Code of Business Conduct in February 2022.